Press release - May 2021
MONTREAL, May 26, 2021 — Tuango is proud to be associated with Opération Enfant Soleil for a 3rd consecutive year. In the context of this partnership, we have been able to raise money for the sick children of Quebec by offering visibility to 3 of the draws organized by the foundation.
The employees, often themselves parents, understand the importance of offering adapted pediatric care but even more so in the particular circumstances of the last year. We are extremely grateful that our members are so inclined to support the cause which allows us to double effort and motivation every single campaign in order to raise the funds.
This year, we have been able to offer visibility to the Voiture de Rêve draw, the Maison Enfant Soleil by Bonneville 2020 and the Maison Enfant Soleil by Bonneville 2021. Thanks to these draws but more importantly, thanks to our members, we have been able to go above and beyond our objectives and have raised $160 000 given directly to the organization.
‘’The pandemic reality has disturbed a lot of companies, organizations and foundations. We have been pleasantly surprised that our members were still so present and even more than expected because we knew Opération Enfant Soleil would also have to face the consequences of the pandemic and we wanted to raise the biggest donations we could for them. It’s amazing to see we have more than tripled last year’s funds!’’- Anne-Marie Allen - Marketing and Communication Coordinator
It’s our pleasure to support Opération Enfant Soleil with 100% offered marketing actions to raise funds given at 100%.